Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Haunted - a TVD Damon/Elena fanvid

Haunted (TVD - Damon/Elena) - Taylor Swift

clips belong to CW/Williamson/Plec, music belongs to Taylor Swift, editing is purely fun and not for profit!

Monday, November 23, 2009

My current hobby

So here's the thing, I have this little hobby called writing.
I've made no profit out of it because, hell, I love doing what I'm doing. I adore letting my imagination run wild with a creation not my own. This is turn is more than just writing... it is fanfiction writing.

What is "Fan Fiction" you ask? Well, it is a literary medium-slash-outlet for most people to create scenerios out of "fictional" characters that are not of their own imagination. In other words, most young writers create a story based upon a favored fandom (i.e. Harry Potter, Twilight, Hannah Montana, etc...).

In my case, my current fandom of which I'm writing for happens to be Wizards of Waverly Place. My blog post prior explains what the fandom is about.

What my stories are about, however, is something entirely different. I guess you could say that it's of the Alternate Universe nature (AU as is the case).

A "what-if." In my case, "what-if" in their future, Justin Russo not only wins the family wizard competition, but "shit hits the fan" for his family and to boot he happens to be a private eye?

Here are the stories I've written so far;

Just In Case File: Fangs for the Memories
My first "Just In Case File". You kind of need to read this one to understand any future stories I spin from this series.
Summary: Justin Russo, family wizard and private eye. Welcome to his hell.

Just In Case File: Me, Myself, and THEM
The second story, which is technically a "half" case file considering its size.
Summary: Justin Russo, private eye. Wizard. Badass. At least in THIS reality. What happens when his other selves cross over to his world... and why?

And I'm actually working on my third and fourth story.

Originally what I might post as the third "Just In Case File" I came up with on a whim. The fourth one is a heavier subject matter and thus why its a lot longer for me to process and try to sit down and create.

On my blog site I'll definitely keep random updates as to how it's turning out... mainly to keep myself sane throughout the writing process.

But basically the third "Just In Case File" will have Justin and Alex travelling out of state. Where to? Well, I'll give a hint; this land is definitely one filled with its own "magic" and "myths"...